Project:Streisand - The Library

In many cases, the contents contained within this library could be considered illegal under various jurisdictions, but that gives you all the more reason to read it.
A lot of stuff here is likely to offend many people, but it is literature that should be read, for various reasons. Whether to find out what goes on behind the minds of patriots and tyrants, or to find out how to prevent history being repeated, the contents within should be studied by everybody. However, a lot of the stuff in here will be related to the United States, and this will, as a result, mostly appeal to individuals in that region of the world.
All of the files here are either in HTML or TEXT FILE format. There are very few images to distract one from studying this information.

The Coalition

The Library - Table of Contents

Other Odds And Ends


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Hitman On-Line by Rex Feral
The International Jew by Henry Ford
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Zweites Buch by Adolf Hitler
95 Theses by Martin Luther
On The Jews And Their Lies by Martin Luther
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell, and one of the most essential pieces of literature in this library.
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
This Time the World by George Lincoln Rockwell
White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell
Manifesto by Dylann Roof.
Jewishness In Music by Richard Wagner
The Holy Bible, King James Version, by an unknown author
The Holy Quran by an unknown author
The Anti-Federalist Papers by various authors
NEW! 06/28/2019 88 Precepts by David Lane
NEW! 06/28/2019 Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot
NEW! 06/28/2019 Constitution of the United States of America, including The Bill of Rights by various authors
NEW! 06/28/2019 Paradise Lost by John Milton
NEW! 06/28/2019 Paradise Regained by John Milton
NEW! 06/28/2019 Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
NEW! 06/28/2019 The Poem and Prose Eddas by various authors
NEW! 06/28/2019 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
NEW! 06/28/2019 Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
NEW! 06/28/2019 Daemonologie by King James I of England


Anarchist Cookbook
Cult of the Dead Cow with various text files related to it
Cybertek with survival-related information
James Liberty File Collection Index, a decent sized resource of anarcho-capitalist related information that isn't Mises Institute. Includes the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, and texts by John Locke, Frederick Bastiat, among various other literature.
LiberTORian E-Zine, a libertarian magazine by Synonymous 1 (includes all known back issues)
The Ten Planks of Communism in America Today by an unknown author

Other Odds And Ends

100 Facts About Blacks And Whites by an unknown author
DeCSS Unscrambler Script (written in C; execute at your own risk)